The Beauty of Language

There are over 7,000 spoken languages in the world that are deeply rooted in history and culture. If we could normalize languages in America as part of our education, then maybe it might be easier to bridge a gap between cultures. It could even illuminate prejudice and racism once and for all. To study a language is to study a people and understand their way of life. The end goal is not only to be able to communicate, but to learn respect and appreciation for those people.

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Finding Our Common Ground

As of lately, the word “productivity” seems to have a sour connotation to it. It is almost as if everyone is trying to squeeze in as much work on their to-do list as possible. Just because most of us aren’t physically at work, there is a feeling of guilt lingering behind the idea of being at home. (being at home = being lazy = not productive) This, however, is the wrong mentality. I encourage everyone to not let toxic productivity take over and allow yourself moments of rest. It is all about finding the right balance that works for you. This all starts by setting our priorities to find our core values.

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